I live my life to the fullest. I don’t waste a single moment of it. At present, I think about the past and plan for the future. Well, its not death who fears me, its life itself. I always fear what may happen tomorrow. The challenges I may face and the problems I may encounter. But thanks to God, I always have the courage to go on.
I appreciate the beauty of nature so much. The greenest grass and the bluest sky amaze me. Sometimes, I dream of lying down a meadow watching birds above me fly by. That would be great. But as I see in my environment, some people don’t care for it. They don’t know the real power of Mother Nature.
Life without friends is a complete boredom. I laugh, play, joke and live with them. They make good company with me. I can be a nomad. I can join different circles. But they do match my best friend.
This angel was sent to me by heaven. Though she’s kind of dumb, I can deal with it. I’m a little bit dumb, too. We laugh at ones mistake at once learn from it. We laugh together, sing together, share secrets and experiences together and make memoirs together. We can’t avoid some quarrels, from the shallowest problems like what is the meaning of paranoid to the deepest like the issues about “jealousy” between us. Some think that I’m courting her, well, back off dudes, I’m not.
The end of high school is fast approaching! Friends will be separated. Many of us fear this. Many. I don’t fear this because I know; my best friend will not leave me. I have trust on her. Same here, I will not leave her.
I have passion on working with the camera and computer. My older brother brought me to this. He teaches me the ABCs and I learn by my self the XYZs. My subjects are usually backed-up by the blue sky. Why? I don’t know. Some of my shots are located on the next pages of this compilation.

This is the deeper Zeus. In my blog, call me Yohann.
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