Thursday, October 9, 2008

At ODDS - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Jay was seated in the office of the hospital administrator, Dr. David. She was as hard as a rock. The administrator was an elderly doctor. He was once a Pediatrician but now retired to the confines of his clean and neatly furnished office to leave all the hospital work to younger more able generations of doctors.
"Jay." He started. "I'm terribly sorry this has to happen to you. In malpractice suits, the hospital and its board will give their all out support to the doctor being sued. But this case is very much different, Jay."
"How different?" Jay asked. Her voice was weak and strained.
"Jay, you see, although all the doctors here in the hospital agree that what happened to Gary Marin was beyond your control, the board won't budge."
"Why not?" Jay was pleading.
"Gary Marin's brother is a member of the board."
"What?" Jay was taken aback. "Since when?"
"Two weeks ago. Before this incident happened." Then Dr. David went on to elaborate that Arnie Marin owns the architectural firm, Visage and Facade INC. It is a firm he co-owns with another fellow architect, and the same firm which is to build the new hospital wing for free. It was then when he and his partner were made members of the board.
"Why weren't we informed about these changes?" Hay queried.
"It usually takes that long before we announce what has happened in the board. See, there is a lot of paperwork to accomplish before the thing is finally formal. Truth is, the paperwork was finished as of yesterday. He is a fully-pledged board member now."
Jay was still unable to hide her shock. She left the office of Dr. David in a trance.
She was in the parking lot when it happened. She was turning the key in the lock of the Range Rover when she saw a reflection of someone behind her on the dark tinted glass. It was arnie Marin. She turned around startled to face her opponent.
"So, you're jumpy today." Arnie Marin said in perfect sarcasm.
Jay was not able to respond. He really looked like he was going to kill her. His dagger-stabbing darkly outlined eyes, heavy brows, broad chest, muscular athletic build, squarish jaw, and to top to all that, a scar on his left cheek. It was one that ran along his jawline. It was not really ugly in fact it was a good prop on his face. I gave her the impression that he must have gotten this from one of the brawls he must have had. Probably a fraternity war. All in all he looked so gruesome now.
"See you in court, Doctor. I'll make sure you are to be squashed and suffer like a bug."
And with that short threat, Arnie Marin turned around and walked to his car. A big, black Jaguar convertible. She watched him move. He looked like a human tank. For the first time in her life, Hay was going to freak out. She was scared for her life. Here was a man with all the power and might in the world and she was up against him. She used to get into really bad skirmishes and got away fine. This time she knew she was indeed going to lose this war.

1 comment:

J.c. PuZon said...

hehehehehehe....chapter 4 nah...dali!!!